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In Hawaiian, Niihau means "the forbidden one" or "the small island." It is also known as the "Forbidden Isle" due to its limited access to visitors.

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Q: What does niihau mean in Hawaiian?
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Niihau is part of what island system?

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What is Niihau's city?

Niihau does not have any cities. It is a privately owned island in Hawaii that is only open to its residents and invited guests. The island is primarily inhabited by native Hawaiians and is known for its preservation of traditional Hawaiian culture.

What island is the oldest hawaiian islands?

Of the eight main Hawaiian Islands it is Ni'ihau.

What is Niihau's population?

The population of Niihau is 130.

What are some of the Hawaiian islands?

Kahoolawae the smallest of the "main" islands and a US Navy target range until 1990, it has no permanent residents. Niihau is privately owned. Hawaii the largest of the Hawaiian Islands. Oahu the most heavily populated of the Hawaiian Islands.

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What is the area of Niihau?

The area of Niihau is 180.004 square kilometers.

What is some information about Lake Halulu?

It's an intermittent lake on Niihau, the smallest of the inhabited Hawaiian Islands.

How many islands incorporate the Hawaiian Islands?

The Hawaiian Islands include eight major islands: Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, Niihau, and Kahoolawe. It also includes many smaller islets, atolls, and underwater seamounts.

When did Niihau Incident happen?

Niihau Incident happened on 1941-12-07.