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Arabs read from right to left.Coca Cola in reverse used by the illiminati for symbolism of satanic purposes

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Q: What does no mohammed no mecca mean?
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When was mohammed born in mecca?

Mohammed (SAW) born in Mecca at 570

How did the prophet mohammed get to mecca?

The Prophet p.b.u.h. was born in Mecca.

Was mohammed born in Mecca?

Yes, Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca.

What are the two main cities of mohammed?

Mecca where Mohammed ( peace be upon him) was born and Madina where he migrated to, when the people of Mecca tried to kill him.

Why is Mecca the holy city?

Because that was where Mohammed was born and Mohammed is the founder of Islam

Where was Mohammed from?

From mecca that is now in Saudi-Arabia

Where is Mohammed's birthplace located?


Where was the phrophet mohammed born?

Mohammed was born in Mecca to the family Banu Hashim in 570.

How were muhammads early followers treated in mecca?

Mohammed's early followers were beaten and abused for demanding the citizens of Mecca to abandon their religions and follow Mohammed's teaching.

What was Mohammed's birthplace?

Mecca or Madina in Saudi Arabia.

Was Prophet Mohammed born in Turkey?

No he was born in Mecca.

When did Mohammed move to Medina from Mecca?

In year 622 AD