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Q: What does normal mucosa in the duodenum mean?
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How does the duodenum get trypsinogen?

Precursor Trysinogen is an inactive enzyme which is converted to Trypsin by the enterokinase from the ileum. It's then released into the duodenum by secretin from the gut walls or mucosa cells of the duodenum.

What is atrophy of the duodenum?

This is the deadening or wasting away of the membrane lining the duodenum (small intestine connected to stomach) .

What is nodular mucosa of the duodenal bulb?

There are several diseases and disorders that present as nodular mucosa of the duodenal bulb. Some examples are, heterotopic gastric mucosa, benign lymphoid hyperplasia, Brunner gland hyperplasia, Cronkhite-Canada syndrome and Peutz-Jeghers syndrome.small nodularity in the bulb of duodenum

Sections of the colon show colonic mucosa with intact crypt architecture what does this mean?

It means parts of the colon look normal.

What is the normal pH level of the duodenum?

The normal pH level of the Duodenum is between 7 - 8, fairly neutral. So the enzymes released can work best.

What is the ulcer occurring in the lower portion of the esophagus stomach and duodenum caused by the breakdown of the mucosa membrane by the acid of gastric juices and pepsin?

peptic ulcer

What is the normal pH of nasal mucosa?

Aroun 4.5 to 6.5. It varies

What does mucosa mean?

It means tissue of the colon

What does it mean when your duodenum hurts?

You have chrones disease.

What does abnormal mucosa mean?

Erythematous mucosa means that the innermost layer of the large intestine (closest to where the food passes through) is red and inflamed.

What does benign colon mucosa mean?

It means tissue of the colon

How does bile get from the liver to the duodenum?

After it is made in the liver, bile is stored in the gallbadder, which is located just behind the liver. The bile duct links the gall bladder with the duodenum. When the partially digested stomach contents enter the duodenum, the bile travels from the gallbladder, through the bile duct and into the duodenum.