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Generally most anything in the food chain above the bottom (generally plants) level. Plants, many algae, and a small number of other more unusual organisms depend on sunlight for energy. Mammals, birds, fish, humans, reptiles, insects etc. (who need the sun to warm their blood) are only indirectly dependent on the sun for their energy.

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the center of the earth has most concentrated light.

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Q: What does not depend directly on sunlight for energy?
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Do some organisms depend on sunlight for energy?

Every organism: directly and indirectly (plants etc.)

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How you depend on the sunlight to obtain energy?

because they need to and it is the cycle of life

What transforms sunlight directly into electricity?

photovoltaics transform radiant energy into electrical energy

Where does energy come in a energy pyramid?

All living beings ultimately get their energy (directly or indirectly) from sunlight.

Why we depend on the sun for energy?

Because it is sunlight that powers photosynthesis (producing all the food we eat) and fossil sunlight that is the energy contained in fossil fuels.

Why do we depend on the sun for energy?

Because it is sunlight that powers photosynthesis (producing all the food we eat) and fossil sunlight that is the energy contained in fossil fuels.

Animals do not make their own food from energy in sunlight Explain why they still depend on the sun for energy?

Because what they eat requires sunlight to live, therefore without sunlight they'd have no food.

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Producers do not depend on other organisms in quite the same was as consumers do. They depend directly on the sun for energy. Other organisms do influence producers though, such as fellow producers competing for sunlight (blocking out from other producers) as well as consumers, which are a danger to producers.

Do plants get their energy directly from the sun?

Yes, the leaves absorb the sunlight

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