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Q: What does not enough calcium in the blood cause?
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Can too much calcium in the body cause constipation?

no, but it can cause liver problems Hypercalcemia (too much calcium in the blood) can cause abdominal pain

What cause blood calcium to be deposited in bone as calcium salt?

Answer is Vitamin D.(1,25 bihydroxycholecalciferol. )

What leads to formation of calcium deposits in the blood vessels and kidney?

can you get calcium deposits in your kidneys

Can decreased calcium in the blood cause muscle spasms?

Yes, when severe.

Under which condition can pastures be responsible for milk fever in dairy cows?

An excess amount of calcium-rich plants like alfalfa can cause milk fever because blood calcium levels can be quickly decreased enough that the cow is unable to draw calcium from her bones to make up for the decreased levels, causing her to go into depression due to very low blood calcium levels.

What medical term means abnormally low concentration of calcium in the blood?

Calcium is important for healthy bone and tooth. But excessive presence of calcium in blood may cause some problems, such as tiredness, loss of appetite, vomiting.etc. It may also cause diarrhea leading to dehydration and thirst. Sometime with high calcium in blood may cause confusion and a person may become unconscious. High calcium level in blood may indicate excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone which should be treated. High calcium in blood also indicate bone disease. Excessive drinking of milk and frequent intake of antacids can increase calcium level in blood.

What is cause of elevated potassium and calcium levels in blood test?

Cell damage

What are the benefits of Calcium and Vitamin D?

Calcium and Vitamin D are essential for having healthy, strong bones. It is important to have enough Calcium and Vitamin D in a person's diet. Calcium also helps a person's blood to clot.

Calcium deposits in the back of your neck?

Calcium deposits of the spinal cord is known as stenosis. Stenosis is an arthritis of the spine when there is enough buildup to cause impingement.

What happens if the blood has an abnormally high level of calcium?

This can cause kidney damage due to your body not being able to handle the high levels OF calcium

Is osteoporosis communicable or noncommunicable?

Rickets are not contagious, it is basically cause by babies or young children not producing enough vitamin D, their bones will fail to form properly. The body will steal calcium from the bones to keep the blood levels of calcium high enough to stay alive. This is called osteomalacia in adults

What can happen if you do not have enough calcium in your diet?

Many things. Chances will be you'll also be short in D3 which helps absorb calcium. but if it's just calcium: Bone issues Muscle fatigue your blood may not clot properly Blood flow related issues as well