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Q: What does one sided crush mean?
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An affair on one side of something.

What does it mean when your crushes friend says that your crush likes you but your crush denies it?

It means that one of them is lying or your crush is shy to say it

What is a 4 sided pyramid called?

If you mean a pyramid with a four sided base, it is a square pyramid. If you mean one with four faces, it is a tetrahedron.

Does davis love kari in Digimon?

Yes, it is pretty obvious. He is, however, a hopeless suitor since Kari has no interest in him.

What does 'one-sided' mean when you flag an answer on WikiAnswers?

The "one-sided" flag refers to an answer that is biased toward one view-point, usually when the question asks for multiple opinions.

What does it mean if an answer is flagged as being 'one-sided'?

An answer flagged as "one-sided" may only contain one opinion, when several are appropriate. For example, if a question ask about the advantages and disadvantages of something, not only the advantages should be listed; that answer may be biased, or "one-sided."

What does biased mean in this sentence How is this source biased?

"Biased" means that the source shows favoritism towards a particular viewpoint or group, which can lead to a lack of objectivity or fairness in its reporting. In the context of evaluating a source, if it is considered biased, it means that the information presented may be one-sided or influenced by personal opinions or agendas.

What is a 5 sided and 5 angle shape?

Five sided and Five angle shape can only mean one thing you nimrods its a pentagon.

When a six-sided dice is thrown what is the probability of getting a 1?

A die, many dice. So when you say a six-sided dice, do you mean six-sided dice, and if so, how many of them? Or, do you mean only one six-sided die? In that case, assuming the ide is fair, the answer is 1/6.

What does it mean when you dream of your crush winking at you?

The dream merely expresses your wish to have a special relationship with your crush, one in which the two of you could share the sort of intimate secrets suggested by a wink. The dream does not mean that your crush is thinking or dreaming about you.

Would you say 'a one sided shape' or 'an one sided shape'?

A one sided shape