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Chicano and Mexican hipsters (cholos) derisively (albeit, to some degree, affectionately) refer to one another using barnyard animal names as epithets: ram, ox, horse, pig, etc. It forms a significant part of 'cholo' patois. Because of its widespread usage, it has a high degree of cultural familiarity. Hence, it is also used to a moderate degree by members of the general public at large who want to affect 'coolness' or to seem 'hip,' or who want to tap into the cholo 'mystique.' The literal translation of the query words is "Pray it, pig." However, it is typically understood as, "Yo, dude! 'Sup?" but with a more pejorative connotation; because, after all, it's a pig, not an ox.

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Q: What does orale cocho mean in spanish?
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