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William H. Halverson (A Concise Introduction to Philosophy) says the role of philosophy is to challenge the assumptions and truth claims of specialists in other spheres. A philosopher does not question the facts uncovered, for example, by scientists or theologians, but does question the assumptions that give those facts context.

A preacher makes the truth claim that God exists. A philosopher looks for proof that God exists, and finds none. A preacher says that God helps those who pray to him. The Bible does support this assumption, but a philosopher asks what evidence there is for it, and if no evidence is forthcoming then asks how we should know that God helps those who pray.

The Bible tells us about the the role God has played in human history and asks us to assume the truth of these accounts. A philosopher says that assumptions should be questioned if they are significant to our world-view. It is the role of historians and scholars to ask these questions and to find the answers, but the role of philosophy is to identify fundamental questions that need answers.

Another View:

God as our Creator fully understands the way we think and act. Basically, when we are children, some assumptions and perceptions normally begin to form from the input we receive from our 5 senses. We soon learn that some assumptions can start when one hears something about another person and think something's true, only to discover later that it was false. Our assumptions and perceptions of others could be wrong, based more on what we assume or think about that person. Most people do not knowingly offend others, yet they commonly do. Hopefully, this will change as we grow older (see 1 Corinthians 13:11). Some soon learn that assumptions need to be kept to oneself until/if they are proven right/wrong.

The Scriptures informs us of the 'ruler' of this world - ha Satan - and how he influences our thoughts and assumptions (see Ephesians 2:2). If we are left alone to our own devices, we can allow these wrong assumptions of others (disabled, different skin, hair and eye coloring, social status, language...etc) to grow in the negative, it can and has lead mankind to war against each other. This then is a biblical truth of what the devil desires of mankind - to destroy themselves so they cannot inherit the promises. The Bible tells us we need to 'renew' our minds (see Romans 12:2) and simply ask in the proper and correct way for help (see Matthew 7:7). But for many, ignorance and pride do not allow for this. They are attracted to the various assumptions of 'learned men' which in time, leads them nowhere.

A common discussion in Philosophy classes in College has this type of discussion: The Professor speaks about a particular Philosopher and their works - say the Scottish David Hume - who states that human knowledge can only be based upon experiences and since as individuals, we each subjectively interpret our experiences, we simply can't experience everything in the universe. Therefore, there is no such thing as an universal truth. And at this point the Professor would calmly state, "therefore,' there is no such thing as truth' ' allowing the class to ponder these deep words and stir a bit. A short time afterwards, the Professor would note, "If there is no such thing as truth, then the phrase 'there is no such thing as truth' cannot be true."

Now compare this to what the Bible says via Christ's statement in John 17:17 which Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. clearly reads, "Your word is truth." Therefore, in the world of Philosophy, and from a purely hypothetical perspective, both Christ and Hume could have been wrong, but both could not have been right!

Answer 3

Jewish answer: Proverbs (3:5-6) tells us "Trust God with all your heart, and do not rely upon your own understanding. Know Him in all that you do, and He will direct your paths."

These verses are saying (among other things) that we shouldn't rely on assumptions.

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