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Q: What does phosphorus oxide and potassium make?
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What is the chemical compound for potassium and phosphorus oxide?

Potassium phosphate K3PO4

Potassium oxide formula?

K2o *Remember the symbol for potassium is K and not P, which is phosphorus

What is the compound formula for P2O5?

The common name of this compound is phosphorus pentaoxide and the systematic name is Potassium(V) Oxide.

What is the balanced chemical equation for phosphorus oxide phosphorus and?

You r question does not make sense, as it ends in 'and?'. However, Phosphorus oxide is usually named as 'phosphorus pentoxide. The formula being 'P2O5'. Phosphorus pentoxide often form the dimer 'P4O10',

How does potassium make its oxide and hydroxide?

Potassium makes its oxide by direct reaction with oxygen molecules (although the principal product is potassium superoxide). Potassium reacts with water to form its hydroxide.

What is the formula for potassium and oxygen to give potassium oxide?

K2O is potassium oxide

Is phosphorus the same as potassium?

Nope - phosphorus and potassium are two completely different elements. The chemical symbol for Phosphorus is P - and for Potassium, it's K.

What elements are used to make fertilizer?

Fertilizers contain multiple elements. The the ones usually singled out for specification are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

How many elements are there in potassium oxide?

There are 2 elements in potassium oxide, which are potassium and oxygen.

What elements are in potassium oxide?

Potassium oxide (K2O) is composed of potassium and oxygen. The answer is in the name!

What are the elements in potassium oxide?

Potassium oxide (K2O) is composed of potassium and oxygen. The answer is in the name!

How does phosphorus and potassium produced?

they are found in ores which are put in furnaces to extract the potassium and phosphorus.