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Q: What does pine tree bark look like?
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What does the evergreen tree look like?

Lace bark pine

Were is the tree bark on a pine tree?

On the outside of the trunk and branches.

What is Pine bark extract?

Pine bark extracts is made from the bark of the maritime pine tree called Landes. It contains naturally occurring chemicals called proanthocyanidins. Pine bark extract is used for its antioxidant properties.

How cinnamon looks like?

bark of a tree look like a Flute

What does bleeding tree mean?

A type of pine from which sap runs like blood when the bark is cut.

Why are pine trees are dying?

A pine tree loses its bark for many different reasons, not all of them bad. Most of the time, it is simply a case of the tree outgrowing its bark, and shedding it to make way for the trunk to enlarge. Other reasons for a pine tree losing its bark include insect infestation, disease, or animals clawing and climbing on the tree.

What does a banana tree look like in lpso?

it looks like an ordinary tree. (not a pine tree) nothing like a bananna tree in real life.

How do pine trees interact with other organisms?

The pine bark beetle is a parasite. The pine beetle lays its eggs in the pine trees, and then when the babies are born, they eat the layers of the tree which stops the tree from growing.

What is a thing that lives in the taiga that starts with the letter j?

Jack Pine is a tree that grows in the taiga. It is a tall tree with waxy pine needles and rough bark.

What does a healthy tree look like?

A heallthy tree has green leaves and it bark are routh and dark brown.

What does a prune tree look like?

it's got bark and leaves and prunes on it

What does Cedar wood look like?

Depends on the tree. Most people think of cedar as the tree that looks similar to pine, but with blueish coloured berries and the leaves are not needles. The said tree is cedar, but not called as such. The said tree is actually called Juniper. Cedar is actually the collective name for most evergreen trees, including Pine. As for what it looks like, the wood of the common cedar tree (technically called the Juniper Tree) when cut, reddish center surrounded by an off-white "mantle." This "mantle" is then surrounded by bark that looks similar to a pine tree.