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Q: What does piranha homes look like?
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It looks a little like this.

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Do piranha exists?

You might have heard of the movie PIRANHA. Well, if you are worried, don't be. Piranhas don't look like that! They are quite small with sharp teeth, and could kill you. The answer to the question is yes, piranhas DO exist, but not the ones in the movie PIRANHA.

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eating ourself

Does Adam Scott die in piranha 3d?

Yeah in the Final scene it is revealed that the piranha's are only the babies of the pack and that they have yet to fully mature, stunned Adam Scott asks what a mature piranha would look like and at that instant a piranha the size of a dog leaps out of the water biting him and pulling him underwater killing him

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What does a red belly paco look like?

A red belly Pacu is a relative of a piranha and it looks like a piranha. It doesn't have sharp teeth and it isn't aggressive. It is an omnivore. It usually has orange on its underside or belly, and a gray-black color on the rest of its body.