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It means that it corresponds is equal to something else in size ,amount

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Q: What does porportional mean?
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this is Jeremy im improving this anser of " I don't know" its poiintless its where you wold cross multiply and if they eqall out they wold be porportional, if not its you gessed it not porportional. hope this helped you people. :)

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F is directly porportional to P

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Exerting force in a porportional manner, not using too much or too little force.

How much fat can you burn in one work out?

it is porportional to how much fat you have, your metabolism, what you ate that day, if you ate that day, how much water you drink, what kind of work out you are doing, and how long you do it.

What does it mean for a model to be to scale?

It means for it's dimesions to be porportional to the original. For example, lets say there's a rectangular prism with a width of 6 units, height of 2 units, and depth of 4 units. A model (in this case smaller than actual object) could be width 3, height 1, depth 2. So you divide or multiply each dimension by the same number to get a model to scale.

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Higher budgets, in real terms, create a unit that is expected to produce higher profits. Lower budgets, in real terms, create a unit that is expected to produce higher profits, or at least only corresponding porportional losses.

The relationship between two quantities that increase or decrease together is called what?

The relationship between two quantities that increase or decrease together is called a positive correlation. This means that as one quantity increases, the other quantity also increases, and vice versa.