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A prep is someone who thinks she is "rich, famous, and pretty." You can check the stadium/ice rink for some preps...they talk Like This! Capital letter to start every word...which is just dumb.

Or the pet shop to see a different kind of prep. The preps at the pet shop are called Bay Bees/Bai Bees. Since the word "Babies" doesn't go with the chat filter of Club Penguin, so stupid people spell it as Bay Bees/Bai Bees. Dumb, huh? They wear yellow penguin skin.

And ANOTHER type of prep, the Mumu/Moo Moo/Mommy/Mummy/Mom/Mum/Mama. If there are babies in Club Penguin, there has to be a stupid virtual mom that goes with it.

They wear peach skin, and they have the side tied ponytail wig in the blonde color, or the brown color, or the red color.

They are SUPER annoying too, they always want to get a boyfriend. ugh..disgusting, I know..Club Penguin is a game for kids 8 years old and up. So what? Club Penguin wants 8 year old kids to be in a VIRTUAL RELATIONSHIP with a COMPLETE STRANGER!??

Ugh..I hate preps.

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10y ago

Preps are usually members that 'hangout' at the stadium. These people are the poorly educated Americans who play Club Penguin. They would always use incorrect spelling and grammar, using capitals at the beginning of every word. The female preps would wear side tied hairstyles and would ask for boyfriends, showing off and saying various comments like 'Walks Sassily.' This is just basically to attract unwanted attention. Also preps are not very nice people, so it's best to stay away from them due to the fact that they would criticize people for not being preps. Many of them do go up to innocent penguins saying 'eeww' and other comments like 'I'm Better Than You Are!' They are also known for several exclamation marks in one sentence. The best thing to do is to stay away from these heartless, selfish people of the Club Penguin community who think they are just better than everyone else.

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