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Presto is Italian and it means fast. In music it is used to denote velocity, normally indicating a (temporary) acceleration.

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Q: What does presto mean in french?
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How do the French say and spell presto in their language?

The Italian word 'presto' is 'vite' in French.

French words presto and digit?

Prestidigitation. Sleight of hand or legerdemain.

A presto a risentirci mean?

It means "Hear you soons"

What comes from the French words presto and digit?

prestidigitateur: a magician doing sleight-of-hand tricks.

What does presto mean in Spanish?

Depending on context Presto (a form of the verb Prestar) means Lend, however it can be taken to mean borrow. However it really means "to lend". In Spanish when you ask to borrow something you are really asking some one to lend you that thing. Te lo presto. - I will lend it to you ¿Me lo presta? - Will you lend it to me? (Can I borrow that?) Presto can also mean exactly the same thing as English when referring to a musical notation, i.e. quickly (adverb). And as 'presto/a' (adjective; male/female) - quick, ready, prepared

What does Ti chiamero a presto mean in English?

call u soon

Which is faster vivace or presto?


What does spero di sentirti presto mean in Italian?

hope to hear from you soon.

What does Shabingo mean?

It means presto or in other word a term a magician would use.

What french words presto and digit mean optical illusion?

- un prestidigitateur (the man doing the illusion), une prestidigitatrice (fem.). They are also called " illusioniste " or " magicien ". - la prestidigitation (fem.) (the sleigh of hand itself).

What can one make with a Presto Fry Daddy?

A Presto Fry Daddy is a brand of electric deep fryer. Any food products that one would deep fry can be made in the Fry Daddy such as french fries, onion rings or chicken.

When was Presto Ballet created?

Presto Ballet was created in 2005.