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Q: What does pro mean in prokaryotic?
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What is the main difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic cells contain no nucleus... where as eukaryotic are nucleus containing cells... I rememeber it by saying PRO- means before... its BEFORE they have a nucleus

Are all living things eukaryoyic?

No-Archbaecteria and Eubacteria are prokaryotic. Not sure if others are pro.

Does a prokaryotic cell have a plasma membrane?

The prokaryotic cells have a plasma membrane. They do not have a membrane around their nuclear material. Pro- means before. Karyo- means "nut" or nucleus.

Why is a bacteria a prokaroytic cell?

One of a prokaryotic cell's characteristics is that it has no nucleus. So you could say that it is a prokaryotic cell because it has no nucleus. My 6th grade science teacher once told me: Pro= no (prokaryotic has no nucleus) Euk = nuc (eukaryotic cells have nucleus). This answer only applies if the kind of bacteria you are talking about is prokaryotic.

What is a prokayote cell?

a prokaryotic cell is a cell that has no nulcleus (as pro means before and karyon mean nucleus), it has no membrane bound organelles and is simple in structure and has 70s ribosomal units

What is does prokaryotic mean?

There is no separate compartment for genetic maxial. :)

How do eukaryotic compare in size to prokaryotes?

Prokarotes are single-celledbacterium and eukaryotes are plants, animals, and fungi. So eukaryotes are a whole lot larger than prokaryotes.

What structure would you look for to determine if a cell is prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

Main difference is with nucleus.If there is a nucleus it is eukariyotic.

Does prokaryotic cells have a nucleus?

No, eukaryotic cells have nuclei. The word prokaryotic means: Pro=before, kary="nut" (nucleus) + -otic=pertaining to. So by definition it has no nucleus (nut).

What are the similarities and differences between eukaryotic cell and a prokaryotic cell?

A prokaryotic cell has no internal membrane while the eukaryotic cell does. In a pro- cell, all of the organelles are together with no separation but with a eu- cell each organelle is separated in its own membrane. Think of it like this in a corny way: Pro = No. Eu= do Sorry, I can't think of any synonym to "yes" that rhymes with "eu." But, if you memorize Pro = No, than you'll have to remember that the eu- cell DOES have an internal membrane.