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Proselytising refers to the act of attempting to convert someone to a different religion or belief system. It often involves actively promoting one's own beliefs and trying to persuade others to adopt those beliefs.

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Q: What does proselytising mean?
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What do you call spreading the good news of christ by word and action?

This is called proselytising or evangelising.

What are some of the positive and negative effects of proselytizing?

A positive effect of proselytising is that, if successful, you can feel good about yourself, because you have influenced other people.A negative effect of overt proselytising is that, even if occasionally successful, you have probably annoyed a lot of people.

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A:Major monotheistic religions that are, or have been proselytising, in chronological order:Judaism (which no longer actively seeks converts)ChristianityIslamBahai

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AnswerChristianity is known as a proselytising religion. Many Christians feel a compulsion to convert non-Christians. And so, Britain was seen as a fertile ground for converting others.

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Your question is unclear. Approximately 97% of the population are Muslims. Proselytising by other religions is prohibited. Apostasy (changing from Islam to any other religion) is punishable by death

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A Religion Where Believers Try To Convert Others To Their Faith, an example would be Christianity

Is talking about your faith in public illegal?

AnswerIn most countries, it is legal to talk about religion in public. Depending on the circumstances, it may be considered bad form, or even rude, to do so. Proselytising loudly on a street corner is more than just 'talking' about faith, and may be restricted.

What bad would come of having god in schools?

It is hard to imagine any harm that would come from having religion taught to Christian children in public schools, as long as this does not involve proselytising. Many Western countries provide separate periods for religious instruction, with no harm to society.

What should you say when you are trying to spread your religion?

A:This depends in part on whether you are trying to spread Buddhism, Christianity, Falun Gong, Scientology or some other proselytising religion, as each has its own way of talking to strangers. A general rule is to be polite, explain why you believe people should be interested in your religion, respect the religion of people you speak to and generously accept rejection.

Is it legal to publicly display a bloody photo of Jesus on the cross?

A:Depending on the jurisdiction, it should be legal to do so, as long as the "photo" is not offensive, does not impede the free movement of people and is not displayed for thepurpose of proselytising in a public school or some similar places. However, in some jurisdictions, people have the right not to be harrassed by preachers and, depending on how large the "photo" is, how it is displayed and how it is used, it could contribute to the perception of harrassment.

Can you read the Bible at work?

A:Not during work hours, unless you work for a Christian organisation. You could read the Bible privately in your free time at lunch or coffee break. During working hours you are paid to work, not to read the Bible or non-work-related books. Even during your own time, you would generally be expected not to read aloud or in such a way as to be seen as proselytising.

What is the truth about the new policy for the removal of Bibles in military facilities?

A:The US Navy ordered Gideons Bibles removed from military facilities because they linked the military with proselytising, but of course allowed personnel to keep their own Bibles, Korans or other sacred literature. A right-wing backlash forced a policy reversal, so that Gideons Bibles are being "temporarily" returned to Naval accommodation.