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Protein is the general term used to describe any polypeptide linkage of aminoacids by amide linkage. Proteins can range enormously in length and complexity. Your question is extremely vague to be answered properly. The human body contains thousands of known proteins. Please be a bit more specific.

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11y ago

Proteins give you body energy that is why you move alot after you've eaten some meat or fish.

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Q: What does protein give your body?
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How does protein give the human body energy?


Can you give me a sentence for the word protain?

Protein: You get your protein from meats and beans. Protein is a necessity for your body. Pertain: Please keep your speech pertaining to the subject.

What to give chicken to give more body weight?

Chicken feed that is higher in protein and other nutrients.

How much protein does a pound of turkey have?

Enough Protein to give your body energy To do almost any physical activity

Why does your body need that vitamin?

Because vitamins give u protein and strength.

What are the help effects of protein?

It helps the muscles grow and it helps give the body energy.

What does protein supply your body with?

i dont know much but it does give you good things for your muscles!

How is the body given energy?

enzymes give your body protein from the food you eat, you can also produce energy by consuming carbohydrates.

What happens when you strave yourself?

When you are starving yourself, you are receiving any nutrients that you body needs to stay healthy. You body needs protein and when you do not eat, your body will start to destroy the muscle cells in order to release protein to give your body energy.

What are the characteristics of protein?

Protein are just present in our body to give us energy and from it amino acids are formed which further supplied to our body. Its excess are brought to liver where ammonia is released which further converted to urea.

What Good sources of protein?

Good sources of protein are meat and usually dry beans such as lentils and beans, milk, cheese, cod and other large proportions that give us protein for our body.

Why do the body need protein synthesis while the body is also synthesis protein?

why does the body need protein synthesis while the also synthesis protein?