

Best Answer

It is changes in the body in a sertin period of time

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Q: What does puberty mean for men?
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What does eggs mean in puberty?

it means the testis of men some call it the eggs in a slang term.

Why do men say things they don't mean?

its called puberty my friends things go on that no one can understand

When you get your period does it mean you are officially done with puberty?

When you get your first period, it doesn't mean that puberty is over. It means that puberty has just started.

When men start noticing other women?

wen men hit puberty

What does a knot on your nipple mean?

It's a condition that is part of puberty it's part of the 3rd stage and it affects 50% of men it's ok!

How do you have puberty in boys?

Normally male s comes to puberty around 12- 15 years. men s can identity puberty in chest you can identify pain

What types of puberty are there?

... I'm not really sure what you mean? I mean there are male and female but do you mean the effects of puberty and what parts of the body they effect and how?

What products do men need when going through puberty?


Does the production of sex cells occur during puberty?

yes, this happens both when men and women go through puberty

What is the maximum age of growth in puberty for men?

17 years old.

Can men produce sperm anytime?

As long as they have gone through puberty

Is it true that some males need hormone shots to begin puberty?

Only some men,not all,because puberty is a natural thing.