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Bob never got discipline.

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to say no to him

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The outsiders What does randy say that the kids want from there parents?

He doesnt say what Soc kids want. He only says what Bob wanted from his parents. And not the socs.DUH!LOL

What does randy say wanted from his parents that he never got?

to say no to him

What did Randy say that kids wanted from their parents?

Randy says that kids want there parents to tell them No.

What did randy say kids want from parents?

He said that kids wanted the parents to care for them.

Why did Bob want for someone to say No to him in the outsiders?

Bob wanted to say no because his parents cared about him so much that they let him do whatever he wanted. He just wanted to have some structure in his life. We have parents to set guidelines but his parents set no boundaries for him and all he wanted was some structure in his life.

What does randy discover in his conversation with pony in chapter 11?

Pony viewed Randy as a good guy. He believes him because really the fight had no purpose. Most of all, Pony's view toward Bob changed. He viewed Bob as a normal boy who just needed someone to say no. So all in all, his view got better :) hope this helps

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thank you

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Bob Hannah is supposily a really good singer THATS WHAT PPL SAY

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hallo mein name ist bob that is German they really say "hello my name is bob"

What is Johnny's personality in The Outsiders?

Bob Sheldon was Cherry Valance's Boy friend, and he is a Social or a "soc" as the greasers call him. Bob is 18, he has black hair, and he is "everything" to Cherry. He jumos Johnny and Ponyboy after they "pick up" Bob and Randy's Girls. Johnny Kills Bob while he is drowning Ponyboy.

Where does it say that bob wanted to kill Atticus?

im pretty sure on the 70000 page. PS my name is meepo

Why did randy visit ponyboy?

to see if he was ok about the trial the next day