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Q: What does register stands for?
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What is the function of the PC register in the 8086 CPU?

There is no PC register in the 8086/8088. It is called the IP register by Intel and it stands for the Instruction Pointer. It contains the address of the current/next instruction to be executed.

Where can one go to find more information on the FSA register?

You can find more information on the FSA register on the official Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) website. The register provides details on firms and individuals authorized by the FCA to conduct regulated activities in the UK financial services industry. You can search the register online to verify the authorization status of a firm or individual.

What does POP stands for in retail?

POP in this context means Point Of Purchase, which is to say, the location where a purchase occurred.

What does the acronym CIDREQ stand for?

The acronym "CIDREQ" stands for Centre Informatique du Registre des Enterprises du Quebec. In English it means the Quebec Enterprise Register Computer Center.

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Ccr commonly stands for Creatinine Clearance, which is a measure of how well the kidneys are working. It is calculated based on the level of creatinine in the blood and urine.

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What year did the RAGBRAI form?

RAGBRAI stands for Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa. It is a bicycle race that draws people from all over the United States. It was formed in 1973.

How do you register sims?

ok after you download it a window pops up saying register now or register later. you HAVE to have internet to register obviously. if you clicked register later then I believe you can goto the or and make an account and register there. there should be a thing on there that says "Register Your Game"

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How do you register your keurig?

You can register your brewer on Keurig website, it is important to register your brewer for warranty reasons.