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There is no PC register in the 8086/8088. It is called the IP register by Intel and it stands for the Instruction Pointer. It contains the address of the current/next instruction to be executed.

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Q: What is the function of the PC register in the 8086 CPU?
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Which CPU register holds address for memory?

The program counter (PC) and the stack pointer (SP).

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The PC (program counter) is a CPU memory variable, commonly called a "register," that the CPU uses to track where the current executing instruction is located in memory, or on some CPUs, where the next instruction to execute is. Without a PC, the CPU would not know where the code it is currently executing is stored, and thus would not be able to run programs.

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Why are programme counter and stack pointer register 16 bit registers?

The program counter (PC) and stack pointer (SP) registers are 16-bit registers in the 8085 and in the 8086/8088 because that is how Intel designed the processors.

What is CPU fan connector function?

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What best describes the function of a computer register?

Registers work like variables in computer code, but they are hard-wired and very fast. Actual variables are stored in RAM, and it is much faster for the CPU to access its own registers than to access RAM. CPU registers are the temporary areas in which software runs in the CPU. The majority of CPU operations are done using the registers. There are also special registers which are usually not directly accessed by user code. There is a flags register, and that is what returns the status of operations so the CPU can easily know if a result was zero, overflowed, carried, etc. There is an Instruction Pointer register which lets the CPU know where it is when executing code. That is not user editable, but user code certainly changes it by design. There is a Stack Pointer (SP) register, at least in PC compatible CPUs. The stack is an area of memory set aside for storing things from registers using the PUSH instruction. The POP instruction restores values into registers from memory. The SP register records where in the stack the next stack operation is to take place. The Call and Return instructions also use the stack to know where to come back to, and software uses the stack to pass parameters between functions and subroutines. So SP is a very important register.