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Rapid Eye Movement

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Q: What does rem stand for on the rem cycle?
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Where does REM sleep occur in sleep cycle?

The longest REM cycle occurs in the early morning hours. This is why it's easier to lucid dream on weekends, longer hours of sleep in the morning.

In which stage of sleep do you dream?

REM or Rapid Eye Movement. You sleep in cycles, moving from lighter to deeper sleep and back. A sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes, with REM occurring toward the end of each cycle. The REM stage gets a little longer in each cycle; you may only dream for a few seconds in the first sleep cycle, and for a large percentage of the last cycle of the night.

Do nrem and rem sleep alternate through most of the sleep cycle?


What is REM rebound?

When a person has been deprived of REM sleep for long enough they will not cycle through sleep patterns as a well rested person would. These REM deprived patients will enter REM sleep much more rapidly and will spend more time in REM sleep over the course of the night as their body attempts to "catch up" for the lost REM. This expedited process of entering REM is called REM rebound.

What in anyone's opinion is the greatest song of the 80's?

'Stand' by REM

What does the abbreviation REM stand for in sleep research?

Restless eye movement

What does the initials of the rock band REM stand for?

Rapid Eye Movement.

What does REM mean in the sleep cycle?

REM sleep is important because this it the stage of sleep helps our brains develop.

How long is REM sleep?

20-25% of the time during the full period of sleep.