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Q: What does reservation mean in front office?
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Front office reservation definition?

The front office reservation staff is responsible for guest inquiries and requests for reservation or accommodation. The front office reservation department also interacts with guest upon arrival and handling check-in.

What are the front office basic activity?

to reservation of guest.....

What are the Common terms used in front office department?

front office then give example full house group rate guaranteed reservation

What is the Format for the stationary used in front office?

reservation form, registration card, c form, amenities voucher

The 4 primary activities of front office?

1. reservation 2. check-in 3. information 4. check-out

How do the front office and reservation become important to room division?

Having the front office running the room division and reservations allows for smooth sailing. The rooms will not be overbooked and everyone will be able to reserve their room and not have any complications.

How do front office and reservation become important to room division?

They help to determine where the customers are going to sleep. They can split them up to keep thing even.

How do you write a reservation form?

reservation mean booking

What mean GIT in a front office hotel?

groups in tariff

What is front office cashier?

front office cashier is the person in front office dept. who handles front office cash flow.

If you are on front office reservation duty how would you use a blacklist?

You would check the Names and Addresses of people applying for a reservation against the blacklist. If you found they were on the blacklist you would not provide them with the reservation they were requesting. A blacklist is a list of people who, for whatever reason, an organization does not want to do business with. The reason people could be on the blacklist could be that they had not payed their invoice, been rude to staff, damaged property etc.

Is front office really office?

front office is not a office with four walls but it is called front office because different sub sections work under it.