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Scout used to think that Aunt Alexandra was a snob who only cared about the family name, but as the story continues, Scout grows to appreciate Aunt Alexandra. After, hearing how much Aunt Alexandra actually loves and cares fro Atticus, and how she was actually defending him, Scout begins to think that Aunty may not be as bad as she though!

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4mo ago

Scout learns from Aunt Alexandra the importance of family heritage, social status, and conforming to societal norms. Aunt Alexandra emphasizes the significance of maintaining the family's reputation and upholding traditional Southern values. Despite their differing perspectives, Scout gains a deeper understanding of the complexities of her family's history and the expectations placed upon her.

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12y ago

She learns how to be more "ladylike". Aunt Alexandra also inadvertently teaches her how some racist people view black people and their feelings towards them.

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11y ago

It shows that scout is gaining new respect for her is because Alexandria started teaching Scout how to suck d!cK

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11y ago

Ms mAUdie holds her hand

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Q: What does scout learn from aunt Alexandria?
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Who is aunt Alexandria?

Aunt Alexandria is the aunt of Scout and Jem and the Sister of Atticus(scout and jems father).

Why did aunt Alexandria came?

she came to give Jem and Scout feminine influence

Why had aunt Alexandria come?

to influence scout to become more "ladylike" and to be a feminine influence on the kids.

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Scout is upset that Aunt Alexandra won't let her visit Calpurnia because she sees Cal as part of her family. Scout values her relationship with Calpurnia and doesn't understand why her aunt is trying to keep them apart.

Why was Aunt Alexandria so concerned with Scout clothes?

Aunt Alexandra was concerned with Scout's clothing because she believed that appearance and social standing were important in maintaining their family's reputation. She wanted Scout to dress and behave in a way that reflected well on the family in the eyes of the community.

What does Aunt Alexandra always nag Scout about in to kill a mockingbird?

Aunt Alexandra nags Scout about her appearance, behavior, and social interactions. She wants Scout to act like a "proper Southern lady" and conform to traditional gender roles.

In To Kill a Mockingbird what are Aunt Alexandra's views on breeding?

Aunt Alexandria places much importance on the matter of being well bred. She believes Jem and Scout should have certain "high-society" characteristics which is what she is there to help them with.

What is one thing attcus and aunt Alexandria disagree about in To Kill A Mockingbird?

Atticus and Aunt Alexandra disagree about how to raise Scout. Aunt Alexandra believes in instilling traditional femininity and social status in Scout, while Atticus believes in teaching her to be independent and compassionate.

What advice does Jem give Scout about Aunt Alexandra?

Jem advises Scout to try and understand Aunt Alexandra's perspective and to be respectful towards her, even if they may not always see eye to eye. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining family harmony and avoiding unnecessary conflicts.

What evidence is there that scout was beginning to change her opinion about her aunt Alexandra?

Scout's changing opinion about her Aunt Alexandra is seen when Scout begins to notice her aunt's sensitivity and vulnerability. There is a shift in their relationship as Scout starts to understand her aunt better and empathize with her perspective and concerns. This change is evidenced by Scout's growing acceptance of Aunt Alexandra's presence in the household and her willingness to adhere to some of her aunt's expectations.

How does Aunt Alexandria define trash?

i am

Why didn't Scout like aunt Alexandria coming to live with them?

Scout didn't like Aunt Alexandra coming to live with them because she represented traditional Southern values and expectations that clashed with Scout's more unconventional and independent nature. Aunt Alexandra also tried to impose her standards of behavior and femininity on Scout, causing tension between them.