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Q: What does scout mistake for a snake when she steps on it in the middle of the night?
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Related questions

What does scout think she stepped on?

Scout thinks she stepped on a wire in the dark.

What time of the day does a snake die at?

no specific time. it can be eaten in the afternoon are ran over in the middle of the night. so technically a snake can DIE at any time of the day.

Was there a snake under scouts bed in to kill a mockingbird?

Yes, Scout and Jem found a snake under Scout's bed in "To Kill a Mockingbird." They showed it to their neighbor, Miss Maudie, who identified it as a harmless corn snake.

What is nocturnal snake?

It's a snake that comes out at night.

What is the Scout promise in Cambodia?

Never give up, unless you are bitten by a snake.

What animal eats the Texas blind snake?

Chickens from farms eat the Texas blind snake because they mistake the snakes for earthworms

What are some funny camp stories?

A friend of mine was camping at a campground and got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. She was barefoot. Suddenly, she stepped on something that moved. It was a snake! She screamed and jumped up --- and the snake ran in the same direction she did. She landed right back on the same poor snake!

Where does the coral snake go to in night island?

Why does the milk snake look similar to the deadly coral snake?

The milk snake is a prime example of mimicry. Many predators will recognize the colorful bands of a coral snake and leave it be to avoid its deadly bite. The non-venomous milk snake mimics the coral snake's banding, so predators will mistake it for a coral snake and not attack it.

If a mouse eats grass a snake eats the mouse and an owl eats the snake the snake is considered the?

I belive that is is the primary consumer.

Where does Kala Nag take little Toomai in the middle of the night from Jungle book?

The tame elephant Kala Nag (Black snake) takes little Toomai to see the elephants dance.

Why do the people of Umuofia call a snake a string and not a snake at night?

They do not call a snake by name because they are afraid it will hear it's name and respond.