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That means you own absolute title to land, free of any other claims against the title, which you can sell or pass to another by will or inheritance.

That means you own absolute title to land, free of any other claims against the title, which you can sell or pass to another by will or inheritance.

That means you own absolute title to land, free of any other claims against the title, which you can sell or pass to another by will or inheritance.

That means you own absolute title to land, free of any other claims against the title, which you can sell or pass to another by will or inheritance.

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13y ago
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11y ago

If you own land in fee simple(or in fee) that means that you are the absolute owner of real property. You can sell the land or leave it to your heirs. If you die without a will the land will pass to your legal heirs at law through probate court.

Ownership of real property is generally transferred by a deed or by a Will.

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14y ago

That means real property was owned by the decedent at the time of her death, i.e., the decedent was seized in fee simple of certain property as follows . . . . When land is conveyed to a new owner the new owner becomes seized in fee simple of that property. It's an old common law term that comes from the word seisen which is the possession of a freehold estate. Seisen was used to contrast the lesser estate held by tenants in a village where the land was considered to be the possession of the lords who held the freehold estate.

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14y ago

Is a high rise condo owned by "fee simple?" I thought it meant owning the dirt it sits on?

If it is not fee simple what is it called? There is an association of course.

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13y ago

That means you own absolute title to land, free of any other claims against the title, which you can sell or pass to another by will or inheritance.

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What does lawfully seized and possessed of said land in fee simple mean?

The term "seized and possessed" most often appears in wills in which land and/or property are inherited from one person to another. I means that one legally acquired and owns said land and/or property.

What is the difference between fee and fee simple?

Both fee and fee simple mean that you are the absolute owner of real property. You can sell the land or leave it to your heirs.

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A besaile is a writ which formerly lay where a great-grandfather died seized of lands in fee simple, and on the day of his death a stranger abated or entered and kept the heir out.

What is the difference between a car being seized or impounded?

inpounded you can get back for a fee, seized you cant get back unless the agencie that took it gives it back

A estate restricts ownership of real property to a particular family bloodline?

A. fee simple B. fee tail C. determinable fee D. fee simple absolute ANSWER: B Fee Tail

What is fee simple in state of Oregon?

Fee simple is the absolute ownership of land. The person who owns the land in fee simple can sell it during their life or leave it to their heirs when they die either by will or by intestate succession.

How does a person acquire a fee simple ownership of real property?

Fee simple absolute is the way we describe the complete and total ownership of real property. The owner in fee simple absolute has the right to full possession and control of the land (unless the land is subject to a life estate). The property will pass to the owner's heirs upon death or the owner can convey the property during their lifetime. Generally the conveyance of real estate by a deed conveys fee simple absolute in those jurisdictions that allow the private ownership of land. Generally, when we speak of "fee simple" we are referring to fee simple absolute. The owner of the fee simple can grant a life estate to another. A person acquires a fee simple ownership of land by deed from the present fee simple owner of the land.

What do seized mean?

to arrest or be arrested

What is a fee simple deed without jtwrs?

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What is the highest form of ownership for a piece of property?

Fee simple.Fee simple.Fee simple.Fee simple.

A fee simple absolute represents total ownership of personal property?

A fee simple ownership represents absolute ownership of real property.

What is fee simple feasible?

Fee simple absolute is the complete and total ownership of real property. The owner in fee simple absolute has the right to full possession and control of the property and the property will pass to the owner's heirs upon death. Generally the conveyance of real estate by a deed conveys fee simple absolute. The word feasible is not part of the term.