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Different. For a MTF you have sensations that you didn't have before such as the feeling of an object inside your body. Your neovagina is much tighter than a natal female and doesn't stretch as much, so you really notice the penetration and when he "hits the back end" (i.e. reaches the full depth of your neovagina).

There are many differences in sensation caused by the hormones as well. The experience of orgasm is totally different and you are more sensitive to touch and caressing.

Being more specific, it depends on how good your doctor was. If he/she was good, you self-lubricate when you are aroused. Penetration can be quite pleasant and when the right area(s) are touched or rubbed correctly the MTF can experience a range of pleasure from momentary excitement to intense orgasms. In my somewhat biased opinion, it feels MUCH better than sex ever did as a male. Men orgasm once and it's over. After sexual reassignment, a woman can peak time after time. I hope this answer is complete enough. I happen to have had a great surgeon but not everyone is so fortunate,

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Q: What does sex feel like after a sex change?
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What does it feel like to have a sex change?

Sex feel different for everyone. People can tell you what they feel, but it may not be the same for you. I was that way. I asked got told what some people felt and then when I experienced it, the feelings were totally different for me.

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If you meant that you feel like a girl, you could be transsexual. Transsexuals are people whose brains are the opposite of their physical sex. You may have a female brain. See a therapist or psychologist of some kind. They can get you a sex change, if you feel you really need one.

Does sex change change your feelings?

sometimes after it can either make u feel closer to the person or make u feel akward around them

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Whenever you feel like it

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Depends on your sex. It feels diffrent for men and women.

What do you do if you feel like you like the same sex?

If you like the same sex then be proud of what you are you cannot change who you are plus you won't be comfortable with the other sex if you are attracted to your sex eg being interment -You CAN change who you are. I do not know if you are religious or anything, but I know from experience that praying and walking with Jesus can make you a different person. Even in Sexual desire. His Blood alone is powerful enough. Don't Believe me? Fine, go through with your feelings, it is YOUR life.

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Dpends on how they feel about it afterwards. Was it just sex, probaly feel guilt. Was there more then sex, it could be quite good feeling.

Can you be gay and transgender?

yes no matter how you intended that question:if you meant, "can I be born a woman and have a sex change so I am a man and like men" then the answer is yes.if you meant "can I be born a woman and feel i am a man and like women" then the answer is yes.If you meant can i be born a man and feel I am a woman, like men, and feel I am gay" then the answer is yes.

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it is called ejaculation.

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i like sex

How do you change a man who gets satisfied in self sex rather than his partner?

You can't change anyone by the way YOU feel. They have to change THEMSELVES.

What is it like the first time you get up and walk after sex change surgery does it feel obvious your package is gone what goes through your mind?

Yes.. It feels flat and cumless :)