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I see these signs quite a bit. Share the road means that there's likely going to be bikes and/or pedestrians using the road with the cars. You'll often see these signs in a city, near a park, near a bike trail, etc. A likely location for this sign would be somewhere where there isn't a sidewalk for the pedestrians and bikes to use.

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7y ago

Just what it says. You are not the only person on the road and must yield to bicycle traffic going the same direction as you as well as heed all crosswalks where people are crossing the road. Leave yourself an out ... has two meanings 1) you are invisible and nobody can see you, and 2) leave yourself an escape route by not tailing the auto in front of you. You are not going to get there any faster by tailgating and may cause an accident and or death. Driving is a privilege ... driving is not a right.

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