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Q: What does shrivel and die mean?
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They shrivel and die

Why do frogs shrivel up when they die?

Cause you touch yourself at night.

Can mystery snail survive in salt water?

No, they will shrivel up and die.

How would a human react on Saturn?

they would shrivel up and die... :(

What wilt mean?

Wilt means to shrivel or decrease in size.

What does shrivel mean?

Shriveled means to Shrunken, Dried Out, and Brown.

What happens to a bean plant when it is too hot?

The plant can shrivel up and die.

What is mean by like a rasin in the sun?

means you will dry out & shrivel up.

Why do animal bodies decompose?

Because the cells die and shrivel up, and when they shrivel, they they become part of the ground and worms eat it, it goes through their body, and out the other end , and is dirt.

Why do slugs fear salt?

Salt actually pulls water out of their body and they will shrivel and die.