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It means you didn't take time to form your letters carefully and people cannot read what you have written.

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Q: What does sloppy handwriting mean?
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What does your handwriting say about you?

Well, usually, if it's really sloppy, it's usually a boys handwriting. If it's neat, or atleast as neat as needed so you can read it, then it's usually a girl. But not always. Your handwriting doesn't really say much about you.

What does cursive mean?

Cursive refers to a style of writing in which the letters in a word are connected together. It is often considered more flowing and elegant compared to print handwriting.

What does iiaight mean?

That is a sloppy pronunciation of alright.

What does graphology mean?

Graphology is the study of handwriting.

Is bad handwriting a sign of extreme intelligence?

90% of people have bad handwriting. Does that mean 90% of these people are extremely intelligent? No.

What does caligraphy mean?

decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering.

What do pointed letters mean to a handwriting analyst?

Inflexible personality.

What does thrass mean?

It stands for Teaching Handwriting Reading and Spelling Skills.

Does AldusManutius Help Others With Cursive?

If you mean italic handwriting, yes.

What does legible?

it means that you can read it... so if someone says your handwriting isn't legible, for instance, that means that it is so messy or sloppy or crooked that they can't read it. Legible means readable, understandable, and Illegible means not readable or understandable.

Do most children with Aspergers Syndrome have bad handwriting?

It all just really depends what they are like. Some can write big and sloppy and some can write neat and tidy. An Aspergers person can write neater or sloppier than anyone else. It doesn't change them, just how they behave and socialize. Edit: Poor handwriting is in fact more common in Aspergers. But not always.

What dose cursive mean?

Cursive is a style of writing where letters are connected in a flowing manner. It is often used for formal and elegant handwriting. Some argue that cursive writing can help improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.