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Slug: A raw piece of metal (CPO select). When put through Intense heat and pressure (initiation) is then forged into an object of incredible use/value (The Chief).

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Q: What does slug mean in reference to navy cpo selectee?
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Slug in relation to chief petty officer selectee?

A Slug is the slang term used by current CPO's to refer to CPO selectees, who have not been through CPO initiation or indoctrination.

What does slug mean in science terms?


Is sea slug a fish?

I assume you mean "A" sea slug. No, a sea slug is not a fish, but an echidnoderm.

Is a slug a protest?

If you mean PROTIST, then no.

What does slug mean?

Slug could be a snail like animal. It could also mean one heavy bullet.

What does slug measure?

A slug is a mollusk like a snail, if you mean a slug like from a shotgun about length of shell, slug can also be slang for bullets which can be literally any size up to max.

What does sluggishly mean?

To move or act slowly - as a snail or slug does.

What does el tr ago mean in spanish?

Swallow shot slug

Could you show me a rifle slug and a regular slug?

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What are all the metal slug games?

metal slug zombie revenge, metal slug flash, armored hero metal slug, amored hero metal slug 2, metal slug zombie survival, metal slug defense, metal slug death defense, metal slug rampage 3, metal slug brutal 1, metal slug brutal 2, metal slug brutal 3, aqua slug, metal slug last mission, metal slug 1+2, metal slug rampage, metal slug stick. that is all of them!

What does sluggish mean?

"Sluggish" means slow, or labored, or moving like a slug.

What does the term slug mean normally?

There are three common meanings for the word slug. One is a mollusk similar to a snail, but without a shell, the second is a type of bullet that is larger than buckshot, and the third is a big swallow, as in taking a 'slug' from a bottle of whiskey.