

What does smoking heroin smell like?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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13y ago

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it smells like boo boo

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Q: What does smoking heroin smell like?
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OUST !!!

Should smoking be a socially accepted behaviour?

No. Would you like people to be injecting Heroin and Smoking crack on the streets? Smoking is a DRUG ADDICTION, and far more difficult and than Heroin and certainly more damaging. SAY NO TO CIGARETTES.

What does heroin smell like when it is cooking?

ive never done china, so dont know what that smells like... but black tar should smell like vinegar.

Can smoking with the hot shower running stop the smell?

No. All you get is smoke and steam. Not smoking stops the smell. Running water like that waste water as well.

What does heroin look like after smoking it?

little black bits of char

What is it called when a person smokes heroin?

Smoking heroin is commonly referred to as "chasing the dragon."

Can you tell by the smell if pork is spoiled?

no pork does not smell spoiled when smoking it does not smell like anthing.

Are there any tests to do at home to tell if someone is smoking?

you can ask them if you can smell their mouth and if it smells like smoke it means they are smoking.

Is there a smell from smoking heroin and do you throw up the first time you smoke it?

yes there is smoke. it smells kind of fishy but not unpleasant. it is very common to throw up. heroin vomit is effortless (unlike say drunken vomiting which is really unpleasant) and probably good to get rid of stuff its cut with. best avoid smoking H although its stronger than snorting

Why is smoking hard to quit?

A new report declares that tobacco, like heroin, is addictive but you can quit if you really put your mind to it

How can you find out if someone has been smoking in a house?

The smell. If anything smells like smoke, marijuana or anything then someone has been smoking.

What are the symptoms of smoking?

Lung cansorYou smell awful. So it looks like you smoke.