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Wetting ourselves.

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Q: What does smooth muscle in your bladder prevent us from doing?
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Why is it good that people don't have to think about smooth muscle doing their jobs?

because they work and move automatically

What is a muscle that controls the release of urine?

The smooth muscle (caled the Detrousar muscle) that is part of the bladder contractsto help push urine out. The bladder also has two sphincters the internal, or involuntary and the external, or voluntary sphincters are also muscle.

Why does it hurt when you hold in your urine?

Because your bladder is only designed to hold so much. Once it reaches a point where the tissues are stretched too far, the nerve endings in the bladder send pain signals to your brain. The muscle that is part of the layered bladder wall, the detrusor muscle, starts to contract, increasing the pressure. At that point, break off what you're doing and go!

What should boys prevent from doing when having puberty?

dieting and junk food will cause muscle mass to shortly increase

Will I lose muscle if I run?

In moderation, not at all. If you're doing long endurance runs, be sure to consume enough carbohydrates and protein to prevent your body from breaking down muscle for energy.

Do you empty your bladder before kub?

yes,bladder is emptied before doing kub

What muscle covers organs?

Muscles generally come in three flavours; Skeletal or voluntary musculature, cardiac or heart muscle and smooth muscle tissue. You're probably looking for smooth muscle tissue- it moves food through your intestines (peristalsis) and places like that. The bodies organs generally have no need to be surrounded by muscle ( and they aren't ), in fact muscles around them might seriously impair their normal functions.

When is the muscle doing heavy work?

When the muscle starts to hurt.

What are governments doing to help prevent poaching?

government is doing nothing to prevent poaching

What is the muscle cell functions?

Muscle cells are formed in such a way that they contract and shorten. By doing this they produce a movement of one type or another. Skeletal muscle cells (called fibers) pull one bone towards another bone, smooth muscles fibers shorten as well but they don't act on bones. They produce waves of movement.

How do you get bladder control back?

If you are overweight, losing weight will help you regain bladder control. Also, doing Kegall exercises will help strengthen the muscles involved in bladder control.

What is the job of the cardiac muscle?

The job is that it protects your heart and lungs and it never tires from doing its job. It is also a involutary muscle which is a muscle that is not under your conscous control. The job is that it protects your heart and lungs and it never tires from doing its job. It is also a involutary muscle which is a muscle that is not under your conscous control. The job is that it protects your heart and lungs and it never tires from doing its job. It is also a involutary muscle which is a muscle that is not under your conscous control.