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Q: What does someone mean when they say pacing is important?
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That means you have done something memorable or very important and will be remebered

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u tell them ur mad and why, and if its really important u tell them that what they did is just to mean

What does it mean to someone?

well it can mean different things like lets do IT can mean lets have sex or it can mean lets go do something important it depend on the way you say it its kind of confusing .

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It would be mean to say to someone, "You have no soul."

What does it mean if you say someone is 'hard-boiled'?

When you say someone is hard boiled you basically mean that he is very difficult to deal with.

What does supercalafradulistic actually mean?

It was a made up word to use when you want to impress someone. The point was that it didn't mean anything but it sounded important. It is a word to say when you are down and you want to be happy, or if there is nothing else to say.

If you say something mean to someone what do you say?

You say you're sorry.

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It usually means that you are thinking of that person. Wether you are aware of it or not.

What does it mean when you say someone is bright?

We mean that they are intelligent, learn quickly, are innovative and creative, and/or more capable than average.

Is asking out someone important?

It really depends on if you want to get a relationship with someone then it is, but if you don't then its not important. But my advice to you is if you are thinking of asking someone out then do it the worst thing he/she could do is say no