

What does sound consist of?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: What does sound consist of?
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How can you mute the sound of a trumpet?

You can mute the sound from a trumpet by using a trumpet mute. Styles available allow for sound manipulation consist of, wah-wah, do-wah, fuzz, or elimination of sound completely.

How many speakers does Bose sound system have?

A Bose sound system could consist of anywhere from 1 speaker (the iPod dock) to as many a 5 speakers plus a subwooofer.

Does a electromagnetic spectrum consists of sound waves and light waves?

No. Only light. bcoz light is a transverse wave where as sound is a longitudinal wave.electromagnetic consist of all transverse waves

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print source consists mostly of text ; nonprint sources consist mostly of images and sound

What do cochlear implants consist of?

cochlear implants consist of a microphone worn behind the ear that picks up sound and sends it along a wire to a speech processor.As many as 24 electrodes.carry the impulses that stimulate the hearing nerve.The brain then interprets the signals.

What waves are in sound waves?

Sound waves in water are essentially the same as sound waves in air; they consist of a sequence of slight compressions of the water between non-compressed water, much as sound in air consists of denser sections of air in between less dense air. The main difference is that sound travels faster in water. The denser medium conducts sound better.

What are sound waves like in water?

Sound waves in water are essentially the same as sound waves in air; they consist of a sequence of slight compressions of the water between non-compressed water, much as sound in air consists of denser sections of air in between less dense air. The main difference is that sound travels faster in water. The denser medium conducts sound better.

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What does the bell consist and symbolize?

Bells typically consist of a metal object that produces sound when struck or shaken. Bells are often used to symbolize various meanings, such as alerting people to a specific event or time, celebrating a joyful occasion, or as a symbol of spirituality or mindfulness in religious practices.

What does the mantle consist of?

It consist of asthenosphere