

What does sound wave move best through?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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The denser a material is, the faster sound waves will propagate through it. Sound wave will generally propagate more easily through solids as they are denser than liquids or gases.

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Q: What does sound wave move best through?
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Which travel faster a radio wave or sound wave?

A radio wave travels about 874,000 times as fast as a sound wave,plus it doesn't need any material to move through, as sound does.

Which bell do not produced sound wave the bell in the water or the bell in a vacuum?

the bell in a vacuum, in a vacuum there is nothing for the sound wave to move through

Do sound molecules move perpendicularly to the direction of wave propagation?

Sound molecules traveling through air is an example of a longitudinal wave. It moves parallel to the direction of wave propagation.

What are the features of sound wave?

A sound wave is a vibration of air that travels at approximately 767mph. The higher up these vibrations go (amplitude), the louder the sound is. The closer together these vibrations are (frequency), the higher pitch the sound will be.

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Mechanical WaveLongitudinal WavePressure Wavesound wave is a longitudinal mechanical wave.answer: B. compression C. longitudinal D. mechanical

Do particles of air in a sound wave move up and down?

no, they move horizontally along the direction of the sound wave movement.

How does a sound wave move through molecules?

Sound wave travels from one part in to another part in air due to change in density of molecules from one point to another point

Does a sound wave or a light wave travel faster through a solid?

A sound wave. This is because the sound wave is transverse meaning it needs a medium to travel through. Most solids will block visible light but not other types of light. The solid works best for the transverse because the atoms are close together making it easy to transfer the wave through the material.

Where do sound wave travel the fastes?

Sound waves travel best through air than anything else.

What type of wave requires a material medium through which to travel?

We know that mechanical waves require a medium through which to travel. An example of a mechanical wave is a sound (acoustic) wave. The wave transfers its energy into the medium so that it can propagate through it. In contrast, electromagnetic waves don't require a medium through which to travel. They move perfectly well through the vacuum of space.

How does a sound travel through?

Sound, which is mechanical energy, travels through a solid by setting up a mechanical compression wave in that solid. When the compression wave of the sound in air strikes the solid, it compresses the solid. It isn't much, but the energy delivered by the air is transferred into the solid. Waves of compression and rarefaction move through the solid as they did in air, but move much faster in a solid.

What speed do waves move at?

it deepens if it is a wave in the ocean or a sound wave