

What does spawn look like?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: What does spawn look like?
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Use a spawn egg in creative or look for a nether fotress where they spawn.

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Are u asking how to spawn witches? (well you go into creative and you look for a spawn egg and you will find a witch spawn egg) or are u asking how do they spawn? (Well they spawn at night) I hoped that helped! ~Magpie

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Basically get a dark room and monster will spawn there. And then build a trap(look on Youtube). Hopefully Creepers will spawn in there and it will kill them. Other items will be collected like Arrows, Bones, String and Feathers.

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gimmeabreak is SUPOSE to spawn you in or near a NPC village Another person: It does, anyways here is another seed... -4852754096646050338 This will spawn you near a Stronghold, although you will need to look for like 20 minutes

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Ectoplasm looks like spawns cape from the movie spawn to best describe it, its dark like crude oil and it flies through the air passing through solid objects.

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I found one where you can spawn anything. It's called matrixFTW, or just matrix... I'm not sure. but you can do anything.

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Witches can spawn in one of three ways:Naturally at night (recent update, lower chance of spawning)In Witch Huts (found in Swamp biomes)Through the use of a Witch spawn egg (creative mode only)

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In roblox studio you insert a spawn of course. Next, you add a tool you want people to spawn with and press yes to "would you like to place this item in the starterpack or in 3D view?"