

What does spirillus?

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: What does spirillus?
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There are MANY, MANY kinds of bacteria. Unless you mean threats to the human body, bacteria, virus, parasite...

A round-shaped bacterium is called?

Coccus (singular)cocci (plural)spherical is cocci that form a chain is streptococci (responsible for strep throat)group or cluster- staphylococci (responsible for boils, skin infection and endocarditis)

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Kingdom Monera plays a crucial role in various ecosystems as decomposers, breaking down organic matter and recycling nutrients. They are also important for nitrogen fixation, converting atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form for other organisms. In the field of biotechnology, some bacteria from Kingdom Monera are used in processes like fermentation, genetic engineering, and the production of antibiotics.

What bacteria cause disease?

Bacteria That Cause Human Disease Only a small fraction of the thousands of species of bacteria on the earth cause disease in humans. Bacterial infection can be prevented by killing bacteria with heat, as in sterilization and pasteurization. If a bacterial infection does occur, doctors may treat it with antibiotics. However, overuse of antibiotics in recent years has enabled the development of strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which causes tuberculosis.Bacillus anthracisAnthraxBacillus cereusB. cereus food poisoningClostridium botulinumBotulismClostridium perfringensClostridial myonecrosis (gas gangrene)Clostridium tetaniTetanus (lockjaw)Corynebacterium diphtheriaeDiphtheriaEscherichia coliDiarrheaKlebsiella pneumoniaeBronchopneumoniaLegionella pneumophilaLegionnaire's diseaseMycobacterium lepraeLeprosyMycobacterium tuberculosisTuberculosisSalmonella speciesSalmonellaSalmonella typhiTyphoid feverSalmonella typhimuriumSalmonella gastroenteritisShigella dysenteriaeBacillary dysenteryShigella speciesShigellosisYersinia enterocoliticaYersiniosis,gastroenteritisYersinia pestisPlagueYersinia pseudotuberculosisMesenteric lymphadenitisChlamydia Chlamydia trachomatisTrachomaconjunctivitisCoccobacillus Bordetella pertussisPertussis (whooping cough)Brucella speciesUndulant feverHemophilus influenzaeMeningitisbacterial pneumoniaHemophilus pertussisPertussis (whooping cough)Coccus Neisseria gonorrhoeaeGonorrheapelvic inflammatory diseaseNeisseria meningitidisMeningitisStaphylococcus aureusPneumoniatoxic shock syndromeskin infectionsmeningitisStreptococcus pneumoniaePneumoniaear infectionsmeningitisStreptococcus pyogenesStrep throatrheumatic feverStreptococcus speciesScarlet feverpuerperal feverListeria Listeria monocytogenesListeriosisperinatal septicemiameningitisencephalitisintrauterine infectionsMycoplasma Mycoplasma pneumoniaePneumoniaRickettsia Rickettsia prowazekiiEpidemic typhusBrill-Zinsser disease (spread by lice)Rickettsia rickettsiiRocky Mountain spotted fever (spread by ticks)Rickettsia typhiEndemic typhus (murine typhus, spread by rat fleas)Spirillus Campylobacter fetus jejuniCampylobacteriosis (bacterial diarrheal illness)Spirillum minorRat-bite feverSpirochete Treponema pallidumSyphilisVibrio Aeromonas hydrophilaGastroenteritissepticemiacellulitiswound infectionsurinary tract infectionsPlesiomonas shigelloidesGastroenteritisdiarrheaVibrio cholerae 01Epidemic choleraVibrio cholerae non-01GastroenteritisVibrio parahemolyticusV. parahemolyticus-associated gastroenteritisVibrio vulnificusWound infectionsgastroenteritisprimary septicemiawow you must have a lot of free time! (escricca)hahahhhahaha it is soooo true lolPathogenic BacteriaHere is a list of some of the names of pathogenic bacteria that cause disease and what disease they cause:CLOSTRIDIUM BOTULINUM - causes botulism (potentially deadly form of food poisoning)CORYNEBACTERIUM DIPHTHERIAE - causes diptheriaLEGIONELLA PNEUMOPHILA - causes legionellosisVIBRIO CHOLERAE - causes the diarrheal illness cholera