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I believe that it symbolizes letting go of the person that you can move on without being too atatched still.

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Q: What does sprinkling dirt on a coffin symbolizes?
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What does the coffin represent?

It symbolizes a perishable fate in life.

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No one needs to have a coffin to be buried, but it seems better then just putting them in the dirt, doesn't it? If you still don't want to use a coffin, you could wrap the pet in a blanket, or else have it cremated.

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it depends usually it is dirt, but sometimes people put other stuff. Why? I do not know ...

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Why does the Catholic Church cover a casket?

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How do you find theArcius in Pokemon diamond?

you go down the long hallway which symbolizes a coffin turn right you have to get freaky with the Japanese girl with no jaw and then you get the arcius..yea baby