

What does stack off mean in poker?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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14y ago

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Going all-in. Putting all of your chips into the pot on one hand.

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Chinese equivalent of poker. played with a stack of dominoes. center stack is a draw pile for both players. stack is layed and players pick their hand. each domino has a value and can be grouped much like in poker by number or suit. don't know all configurations and point values but hope this helps. there is also an americanized version played with cards. haven't played but it sounds like it's worth checking out.

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What does it mean that the stack is a LIFO structure?

LIFO stands for Last In First Out. It basically means that the most recent piece of data added to a list, will be the first piece that is taken off. It is often compared to a stack of plates. When you have a plate to add to the the stack, you put it on the top, not in the middle or at the bottom of the stack. If you need a plate you usually take it from the top, not the middle or bottom. So the most recent plate on the top is the first that will be taken off when one is needed.

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Its not a stack counter - its a stack pointer. The stack pointer is a register that points to the top of the stack. In the Intel configuration, it points to the next item to be popped off the stack. To push an item requires that the stack pointer be decremented first, and then the item is written. The inverse operation - the pop - requires read then increment.

Is a a in poker a 10?

Assuming you mean an Ace, then no.