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Q: What does stomata on a leaf allow to enter the leaf?
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What is the whole between two guard cells in a leaf called?

It's called a stoma (plural stomata) and its function is to allow carbon dioxide to enter the leaf for photosynthesis. The guard cells sre responsible for regulating the size of the stoma.

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There are pores on the underside of the leaf called stomata they allow transpiration.

What Enter The Leaf Through The Stomata?

Gases And Oxygen

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How do gases enter and escape from leaves?

Gases enter and exit a leaf through stomata. These are openings in the epidermis which are regulated by guard cells. Guard cells decide which gases can go in and out. The gas that goes in is carbon dioxide and the gas that goes out it oxygen.

What is a sentence for stomata?

Example sentence for the plural noun stomata: The stomata are the pores in the leaves of a plant that allow gases to pass into and out of the leaf.

What are the small openings on a leaf that allow gasses to leave and enter the plant'?

It is controlled by a combination of the pressures/concentration gradients of the gases involved, and the guard cells of the stomata.

The holes in a leaf where gases enter and leave?

Stomata (stoma)

What allow gaseous exchange between leaf and atmosphere?

Stomata on the underside of the leaf control the passage of gases into and out of the leaf.