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Q: What does sub-clinical mean?
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What are the symptoms of subclinical diabetes and what should be the treatment?

Subclinical diabetes is characterized by a fasting blood glucose level of between 5.6 and 6.4. It can be treated by following a low glycemic index diet.

What is a subclinical case?

Asymptomatic subclinical infection are those infections which don't show any sign symptoms of infection like pain, swelling, fever or rise of local temperature, usually these infections are countered by body immune system. These infections are diagnosed during investigations for other health problems.

Does hypothyroidism cause you to gain weight?

Some patients report weight gain with subclinical hypothyroidism. Although the T4 is normal in subclinical hypothyroidism by definition, some patients report symptoms with only the elevated TSH.

discuse the different method of redusing fatigue?

Predisease Predisease is a subclinical or prodromal vanguard of a disease. Prediabetes and prehypertension are common examples

Can you have different levels of hyperthyroidism?

You sure can. Some people have hyperthyroidism that is so small that it remains subclinical (not of medical importance), while others are so large that it can be life threatening.

What is papillomavirus?

HPVs establish productive infections only in keratinocytes of the skin or mucous membranes. Most HPV infections are subclinical and will cause no physical symptoms. If you have had a wart, you have been infected by one.

What causes feline Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency?

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in cats is usually caused by chronic subclinical pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). EPI can be managed with a low lipid diet and the administration of pancreatic enzymes orally.

DSM definition of subclinical narcissism facilitated development of scales including the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI; Raskin & Terry, 1988) to assess 'grandiose' narcissism:?

Entitlement, superiority, self-sufficiency, vanity, authority, exploitativeness, exhibitionism

What is a subclinical deficiency?

A deficiency in the early stages, before the outward signs have appeared.

How can you be infected with pathogen and not show symptoms?

Many infection go this way only. Diseases are the tip of ice berg. Majority of the infections remain subclinical. Means patients do not show any signs or symptoms of the disease and get cured. This happens due to good immunity or low virulence of the organisms probably.

What is the method for White side test for subclinical endometritis?

At first vaginal mucous should collect in a glass slide by the help of a cotton bud.Then a drof of 4%NAOH should be given on the collected mucous&heat by the spirit lamp.A brown color development indicate sub clinical metritis positive!!!

Why does people get scurvy when they lack vitamin c?

Scurvy does not occur in most animals because theycan synthesize their ... Scurvy or subclinical scurvy is caused by the lack of vitamin C. In modern Western societies, scurvy is rarely present in adults, although infants and elderly people are ...meat from animals which make their own vitamin C(which most animals do)