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Q: What does sulfur mean in latin?
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What is the Latin of sulfur?

Sames as English - sulfur. Also spelled 'Sulpur.'

What origin did the name sulfur come from?

Ironically, sulfur comes from the Latin word Sulfur meaning Brimstone.

List two interesting fact about sulfur?

Sulfur was discovered by Antoine Lavoisier The Latin word for sulfur is sulphur

Where does sulfur get its name?

From the Latin sulfur, sulphur, or sulpur, which appear to have been Latin inventions and not derived from, say, classical Greek (the classical Greek word for sulfur is thion).It's most likely from a root meaning "to burn."

Who was sulfur named after?

Sulfur is derived from the Latin word sulpur, which was Hellenizedto sulphur. The spelling sulfur appears toward the end of the Classical period.

What language did sulfur come from?

It came into the English language from the Anglo-Norman "sulfre", which derived from the Latin "sulfur".

What is sulfer's symbol?

Sulfur has the chemical symbol of "S. " This symbol is derived from its name "sulfur," which is Latin for "brimstone. "

What elements name in Latin is S?

S is the symbol for Sulfur.

What is the origin name for sulfur?

Sulfur is derived from the Latin word sulpur, which was Hellenizedto sulphur. The late Latin form also continues in the Romance languages: French soufre, Italian zolfo (from solfo), Spanish azufre (from açufre, from earlier çufre), Portuguese enxofre (from xofre). The Spanish and Portuguese forms are prefixed with the Arabic article, despite not being Arabic words. The root has been traced back to reconstructed proto-Indo-European *swépl̥ (genitive *sulplós), a nominal derivative of *swelp 'to burn', a lineage also preserved in the Germanic languages, where it is found for example as modern German Schwefel, Dutch zwavel, and Swedish svavel, and as Old Englishswefl.The Latin name for Sulphur was sulfur.

How do you say sulfur in Chinese?

You mean Sulfur.......Lieu Huang

What does sulfur hexafluoride mean?

Sulfur hexafluoride is the compound SF6.

What is the origin of the symbol for sulfur?

Sulfur was named by using the Latin word for the element, sulphurium. It is spelled 'sulphur' in most English-speaking countries other than the US.Added:sulfur (Sanskrit, गन्धक sulvari; LatinSulphurium)