

What does supersonic travel mean?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What does supersonic travel mean?
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What are the drawbacks of supersonic travel?

A drawback of supersonic travel is noise pollution.

What are supersonic waves?

Supersonic waves are waves that can travel faster than normal sound waves.

Are you under water at supersonic speed?

Speed has nothing to do with where you are. You can travel at supersonic speed pretty much anywhere if you have the right vehicle.

How military aircraft travel with supersonic speed?

Massive amounts of thrust.

What name is given to planes which travel faster than sound?

Supersonic plane

How many feet per second does a bullet have to travel to be supersonic?

The dry air speed of sound is about 1125 FPS, so anything over that is considered supersonic.

Why aircraft that travel at supersonic speeds cannot be heard on the ground?

The properties of air flow at supersonic speeds is different than for subsonic speeds. So the design of the shape of the airplane and the inlets for the engines have to be different in order for it to fly at supersonic speeds.

What is the name of the supersonic passenger airliner?

You mean Concorde?

What is supersonic sound?

It is an oxymoron, a self-contradiction, in that sound must travel at the speed of sound (which does vary by the medium or material). Supersonic means "faster than sound."You might, however, describe vibrations as being supersonic, meaning that they are traveling faster than sound would in air.

Is the big bang theory and the supersonic theory the same?

I don't think there is such a thing as the "supersonic theory". If you mean "superstring theory", no, they are not the same.

What is the difference between a supersonic jet and a normal jet aircraft?

Supersonic jets can travel faster than mach1 aprox 340.29 m/s normal jets can't achieve this speed.

What does the term supersonic mean?

The simple answer is "Faster than the speed of sound"