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Amrit means sacred water, and by taking this you are meant to wear the panj kakkar(5K's) as a uniform. Each K has it's own meaning of special significance. once you have taken Amrit, you are initiated into the Khalsa(Pure) and from that time onwards you are to live a commit your life to Waheguru(God) and be as pure in every aspect of your life as possible.

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Q: What does taking Amrit mean to a Sikh?
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What is the amrit?

Amrit is the Sikh version of Baptism. They go through a Baptism Ceremony where they become baptised, take new names and follow Sikhism to the best of their ability. The ceremony takes place in a Gurudwara.

What is the amrit pahul ceremony?

amrit pahul is the most important ceremony for sikhs.It shows that a Sikh is ready to be fully committed to the Sikh faith.He or she becomes a member of the Sikh brotherhood,the Khalsa.Anyone who is over the age of sixteen can go through the Amrit Pahul ceremony.

What is an amrit ceremony?

The Amrit Ceremony is the initiation to becoming a Sikh. this is similar to a christening.A Sikh can go through this initiation as soon as they are old enough to understand the full commitment what they are making.

What is the Sikh initiation rite called?

Khalsa Amrit Sanchaar.... =)

What is the equivalent to bar mitzvah in the Sikh religion?

The Amrit Sanchar.

What sacrifices will an Amrit Pahul Sikh have to make?

the sacrifices a amrit dhari Sikh might ever so is promise to stop drinking, smoking, take any drugs, or cut their hair. they do this to show that they are commited to this.

Why is amrit peformed?

Amrit is performed to a Sikh Man or Woman to induct them into the Khalsa brotherhood.After taking Amrit, they must:Keep the 5 K's, Kacha, Kachera, Kirpan, Kesh and Kanga.Abstain from certain behaviour as described in the Sikh Rehat Maryada (which is the Code of Conduct endorsed by the highest Sikh Temporal Authority called the Akal Takhat). The four transgression to be avoided are:The undermentioned four transgressions (tabooed practices) must be avoided:Dishonouring the hairEating the meat of an animal slaughtered the Muslim way (Kutha)Cohabiting with a person other than one's spouseUsing tobacco.see which is the official Sikh website based at the Sikh Holiest shrine, The golden Temple.

Who is in the amrit ceremony?

The amrit ceremony is a special service for when Sikhs get baptised the are ready to where the five ks are something that the Sikhs have when they getbaptized so the amrit ceremony is when someone joins the community theydecided to be a Sikh's.

Who attends the amrit ceromony?

Any Sikh who feels that he/she is ready to take Amrit, to fully dedicate their entire lives around God will be ready and they will partake in the Amrit Ceremony (Or Sikhs call it the Amrit Sanchaar). Alos there will be the 5 Beloved Ones, who will give the Amrit and baptise the Sikhs.

Who is the amrit ceremony for?

For those who wish to drink the amrit. Amrit is a drink that you drink when you swear to the guru that you will be a true Sikh and pray every day at certain times and follow the bani all the rest of your life.

When was the first Sikh Amrit ceremony?

In the Month of April in the year 1699 at Anandpur Sahib.

Can only Sikhs take amrit?

Well, when one takes amrit, they take an oath of being a truthful, faithful, loving, loyal Sikh. If in this case, the question is whether one has to be a Sikh by birth then the answer would be no. Sikhism has adherents in all different colours, from all types of backgrounds, hailing from pretty much every country in throughout the world.So basically, after one takes amrit, one BECOMES a Sikh.