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Q: What does the Access to Exposure and Medical Records standard require your employer to do?
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Who owns medical records?

Legally, medical records are owned by the employer of the doctor who compiles them.

How long must the medical records be kept by the employer?

Employee medical records must be kept by employers for how long?

Can your employer ask to see your dads medical records?

Anybody can ask anything they like, but your employer can't look at your father's medical records unless your father gives permission.

How long do employee medical and exposure records be kept?


Why do radiographers use film badges?

So that their on the job radiation dosage can be tracked. This is required of their employer by law. If they get a minor over exposure the employer is required to give them full paid time off proportional to the overexposure. If they get a major over exposure the employer may be liable for injury, medical treatment, or disability costs. The film badge records may be requested as evidence in a lawsuit.

Is it illegal for a employer to ask for current medical records?

It isn't illegal for them to ask, but you need not surrender them, nor can the employer compell you to. Your medical records are yours and no one else has a right to them under federal HIPPA laws.

___ regulations require employers to release medical and exposure records to an employee or their designated representative?


Can an employee be dismissed for refusing to allow an employer to view his medical records?

Very little of the health record privacy law (HIPAA) applies to employers, but this is in there: employers cannot compel you to reveal medical RECORDS except those needed to claim a medical-based benefit like FMLA, workers comp, or ADA accommodation. The employer can compel you on pain of discharge to demand necessary records from your doctor, who cannpot refuse YOU. The employer cannot demand records from your doctor, but can hire a doctor to demand the records and review them.

What are OSHA regulations on keepering personnel records?

OSHA has no regulations on keeping personnel records. OSHA's requirements relate to records of exposure to hazardous agents, training records, and work-related medical records.

Process to prepare the protocol of Medical Records?

Medical Records Protocol: Abstract: This document covers the standard protocol to ... Please have a look at the product here: Medical Records Protocol

Can my employer ask me health questions?

You cannot be asked medical questions or health questions if you are applying for a job. Your employer can ask you health questions and can even ask for your medical records, but you do have the right to refuse those requests.

Does your employer have the right to see all your medical records before your injury?

No that can only be done by the courts.A little more...As it says above, your employer cannot force you to release medical records. However, they can insist that certain tests and conditions exist (or don't exist) as a condition of employment. Barring very special cases (like HIV/AIDS which is sometimes protected under State law), this is legal.