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They were well connected with the Earth. They found balance within their world. Anasazi "The People of the Desert". They believed that their creator provided everything from where they were placed (rocks, sand etc)

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6mo ago

The Anasazi creation story, as told by the Hopi and other Pueblo tribes, reveals their deep connection to the natural world and the importance of maintaining harmony with it. It emphasizes the significance of cyclical processes, such as the changing of seasons and the rebirth of life, which likely influenced their agricultural practices. Overall, the creation story reflects the Anasazi's profound respect for the land and their understanding of the interconnectedness of all living beings in their culture.

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Why is knowing the context of an artifact as important as the artifact itself?

It can give you information on the environment of the time. it can tell you what time period the item is from whether an estimate or exact date and it can also tell you a little about the culture itself

What do artefacts tell us about the past?

Artifacts are objects that provide tangible evidence of past human activities and behaviors. By studying artifacts, archaeologists can learn about the technology, culture, beliefs, and daily lives of people in the past. The analysis of artifacts helps to piece together the story of past societies and understand how they lived, interacted, and evolved over time.

What couldn't be a culture artifact?

Anything created by an animal could not be a cultural product. A wildflower can not be a cultural artifact.Cultural artifacts are created by humans. They can give information about the creator of the artifact and the users of the artifact. A soda can can tell things about a culture. A cross stitch alphabet can be an artifact.

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