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The Bible doesn't say.

There is a scripture, 1Corinthians 15:33 - "Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits".

If you know that the members of either the sorority or fraternity carry on behavior such as excessive drinking, violence or immorality, judge for yourself whether or not they will 'spoil your useful habits'.

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Q: What does the Bible say about joining a sorority or a fraternity?
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The answer to this question totally depends on who you ask and which campus! Technically, the only fraternity that is constitutionally bound to a sorority are Phi Beta Sigma and Zeta Phi they are truly "sisters" and "brothers" However, other organizations may claim to be sisters to fraternities. For example, some say that Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority are the Kappa's sisters (because they have the reputation of being "pretty girls" and Kappas are often referred to as "pretty boys") Some say that Sigma Gamma Rho are their sisters (both organizations have canes) Also, Krimson Kourts, Inc aka Kappa Sweethearts are said to be the sisters of Kappas. Their histories are intertwined and Kappas created Sweethearts so one may say Sweethearts are their true sisters. ******************************************************************** As a member of KAPPA ALPHA PSI, Inc. for over 30 yrs., We DO NOT have any sorority that we consider "fraternity-wide" as "sisters". There are/have been "clubs" that have associated themselves with the fraternity on a "local" basis (i.e. Kappa Kittens, Kappa Sweethearts, Kappa Kourt, etc.) The only recognized "female" organization that we recognize are "Kappa Silhouettes". A Silhouette is the WIFE of a KAPPA. Whatever the name of the organization (Kappa Kittens, Kappa Sweethearts, Kappa Kourt, etc.) these are organizations "associated" with the fraternity in various capacities, but as a separate and independent entity to support the fraternity in social, civic, and community activities.

Do i say I look forward to joining?

You could say that if you meant it.

Who are the brothers of the AKAs sorority?

The marriage of one of Omega's national founders, Frank Coleman, with Edna Brown, one of DST's national founders made the bond between both of the organizations. Some may say there not brothers and sister which is correct. No Greek organization as a brother or sister but the Sigmas and Zetas. But no Greek organization has a bond like the "Coleman Love" bond. That make DST and OMEGAS stronger than any other organization and any real Omega and Delta will tell you that's there brothers and sisters.

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these are two that i got of the internet for a school project about Plato {PLAY-TO} "A wise man has something to say, wheres a fool has to say something" and i think that means like for someone whos wise,things come more fluently to them versus someone whos a fool has to think of something to say. and "of all animals, the boy is the most unmanageable" i think what this means is that of all living creatures, the boy is the most hardest creature to control and also "no matter what the many say of us" i think this means that it doesn't matter what people say of us.

Does it say in the Bible to be charitable?

yes it say in the bible to be always charitable in the bible always read your bible and prayers

Does it say in the Bible you are a lier if you say you know everything about the Bible?

Not that I'm aware of. But there is a place in the Bible that says, You are a lier if you say you have not sinned.

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No, the Bible does not say this.

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It does not say this in the bible.

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The Bible does not say the devil is handsome.

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Nowhere in the Bible does it say you will not be loved. The whole Bible talks about how much you are loved.

A solution to avoid fraternity?

If you wish to avoid a fraternity, avoid "rush week" or the week that fraternities try to recruit new members. Simply don't show up and they'll never know you exist. Sometimes though, if you are a high-quality student, and you're friends with members of a fraternity or pledges of a fraternity, you may be asked to join. If you really do not want to be in a fraternity, as is the case with many people, simply say, "No." Most will take the hint, but if they ask why, give a legitimate, truthful reason as to why, like, "I need to focus on my studies," "I can't afford it" or even, "I'm not interested." They'll understand, and back off. 99.99% of the time, fraternities won't bother you about joining because most of them will have met their recruitment quote during rush week, and if they know you're not interested, then they'll leave you alone. They have better things to do then bother someone who's not interested.