


Sororities and Fraternities

Undergraduate students are encouraged to join same gender or coed fraternal social organizations – sororities for females, and fraternities for male-only or coed members. The goal for members is to "better themselves" through community service and scholastic achievements.

930 Questions

What is the largest fraternity?

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Prince Hall Freemasons have over 800,000 active members in the world. There are lodges in every part of the world! established 1784

the largest Greek black fraternity i believe is alpha phi alpha established in 1906

What are the secret password and handshake of business fraternity Alpha Kappa Psi?

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PW is “In Unity and Integrity” - the person approaching the door says, “In unity” and the person guarding the door responds with “and integrity.” Yes, it is very dumb.

What is the oldest existing organisation?

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The Roman Catholic Church is the oldest continuously operating entity with an identifiable structure. Verifiably, the first pope was Linus (after Peter, anyway), who took office in AD 64 or 67, depending upon the source. The office of the papacy as the head of the church has not been left vacant since that time. I mention the Roman Catholic Church because there is dispute concerning the role of the leadership in Rome during the early church, particularly among the Orthodox. However, the Roman bishop, or pope, was unquestionably the patriarch of the western church. Thus, disputes over Peter's papacy aside, the central structure of the Roman church has existed for about 1950 years at this point. Orthodox churches cannot lay claim to this age, if only because their episcopates have been overrun at times, particularly due to Muslim conquest. More specifically, the more ancient sees that were on par with Rome (Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, and Constantinople), either did not exist as early as Rome (Constantinople), or disappeared before the turn of the millennium (all of the rest).

No secular institution can come even close to such longevity (governmental or otherwise). The U.S. presently has the oldest continuously operating government at about 225 years, though some claim that Iceland has had a continuously operating parliament for about 1100 years. As for other religions, Hinduism, the world's oldest known religion, has no institutional structure, as such. Judaism, another of the world's oldest religions, has had its institutional structure destroyed at several points in time, notably during the Babylonian exile, and again after the Roman destruction of the temple in 67 AD. Modern Judaism is divided (as it has been for over 2000 years), and does not share a common institutional structure with its historical predecessors.

What do the letters of Pi Kappa Phi mean?

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The letters of Pi Kappa Phi represent the fraternal organization's name. "Pi" stands for "π," symbolizing the Greek letter often used in mathematical equations. "Kappa" is the Greek letter "Κ," and "Phi" represents the Greek letter "Φ." Together, these letters create the unique identity of Pi Kappa Phi.

What is t7 in tau gamma phi grand fraternity?

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Jaayjay manibog laguna community

Delta tau delta secret handshake?

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Both brothers extend their pinkies and interlock them. This symbolizes the strength of the fraternity. Also, they extend their middle fingers out so it runs along your partners vein, which leads to the brain. Then they embrace eachother and say the secret word "walter" which is after the founding father walter cunnningham.

What does theta chi's secret word 'Sisturus' mean?

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If you don't know meaning then you do not need this answer it is a part of Theta Chi and to it's members only please just respect that of our organization.

Please do not reveal the secrets of any fraternity. If you learn one by accident, keep it to yourself, or tell a brother of that fraternity that you heard it from so-and-so. If you really wish to know, maybe joining the organization would be the best bet.

What is the secret knock of phi delta theta?

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Asked by Alanagr9009

Become an initiated brother into Phi Delta Theta and you will learn.

How do you name a college sorority?

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The names of fraternities and sororities are self-selected, and the history behind their names are unique to each organization.

What is the password and tenets of tau gamma phi?

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Live and let Live ibulong mo lang yanna yun!

What is Phi Delta Theta's secret motto?

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Become an initiated brother into Phi Delta Theta and you will learn.

Whata does it mean to graduate phi beta kappa?

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Phi Beta Kappa is a scholastic honor society. Members are admitted in recognition of outstanding academic achievement.

How do you do the Pi Kappa Alpha handshake?

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The Secret Handshake of Pi Kappa Phi

Very similar to a regular handshake, but you split the fingers between middle and ring (like the Vulcan salute) and interlock that way. Interchange between that grip and a normal grip while saying the secret phrase and its translation.

Does sbcc have sororities?

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no, SBCC does not have sororities or fraternities. It has an academic honor society with agree-ish name but no legit sororities.

Does yale have fraternities or sororities?

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When I was an undergraduate there in the late 1960's, Harvard had a chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon--which I believe was the only fraternity on campus. I'm not sure what the current situation is.

What does AOT on kappa delta pin mean?

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I am a Kappa Delta sister, your answer about Ta Kala Diokomen is true. However, you are WAY off about AOT. I am not just saying this because I don't want you to know what our secret motto stands for, but I don't want you to have it all wrong. I cannot disclose what AOT stands for, but the subject matter is not moral excellence even though that is something we strive for in Kappa Delta Sorority. It does not stand for Arete Opheleo Telos or anything that sounds or is written similar to that. AOT is something we hold in high regard as Kappa Delta Sisters, but unfortunately should stay known to those outside our circle.

What is Phi Delta Theta's secret handshake?

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To answer your question, you simply make a "PI (π) sign using your index and middle finger on the recipients' (your brother's) palm. The pi sign should have roughly 1 inch space between the index and middle finger. Your ring and pink finger and thumb clasp the brother's index and middle finger, thus closing the pi sign (making both the index and middle finger to touch).

What is Alpha Xi Omega's motto?

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The motto of Alpha Xi Omega is 'I am the alpha and the omega, the first and the last'.

When was the kappa alpha PSI fraternity started?

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Kappa Alpha Psi was founded January 5, 1911 at Indiana University.

What is the relation between upsilon phi sigma and upsilon sigma phi?

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Well, the fraternities mentioned are half-brothers. The said relationship started in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental in 1977.