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"Is it mandatory for your company to pay per diem?" means "Is your company required to pay an allowance for daily expenses?" or "Is your company required to pay on a daily basis?"

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Q: What does the English phrase 'Is it mandatory for your company to pay per diem' mean?
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What is the correct pronunciation of Carpe Diem?

The pronunciation of carpe diem is car-pay dee-em. This phrase means seize the day in Latin. It is a commonly used phrase in the English language.

What is 'carpe diem' in Japanese?

Seize the day is the English equivalent of 'Carpe diem'. In the word by word translation, the verb 'carpe' means 'seize, take'. The noun 'diem' means 'day'. The phrase loosely may be translated as 'Seize the opportunity'.

What is the phrase Carpe Diem translated into Maori?

The phrase "Carpe Diem" can be translated into Maori as "Kia mau ki te rā" which means "seize the day".

What is the Latin phrase that means seized the day?

carpe diem

Which Latin phrase means 'by the day'?

The Latin equivalent of the English phrase 'by the day' is the following: per diem. In English, the phrase commonly is used in the sense of the daily allowance. For example, salespeople may be allotted a certain amount of money to cover the expenses that come up in carrying out the job, such as travel, meals, and hotel stays.

What is the definition of Anti-Diem?

It's a Latin phrase meaning 'before the day'

How is carpe diem used daily?

Carpe Diem means "seize the day". Enjoy the day or catch the day is also a way to use the phrase daily.

What does dium mean in English or is it being confused with diem?

Diem is used in several English phrases and means "day." Most notably carpe diem (seize the day) and per diem (per day).Dium is probably some form of the word "god."Dium is the proto European root of the word diem it means sky or heavenly sky. Which is how it is the root of both "god" and "day".

What does coupe diem mean?

"coupe" is a word in French meaning cut, and "diem" is a word in Latin meaning day, but you are thinking of a different phrase, "carpe diem" which translates from Latin as "seize the day" meaning, take advantage of opportunities when they arise.

What is the diem?

In Latin, diem means "day". The term word "diem" is typically used in conjunction with the word "per" as in "per diem" meaning "each day". A per diem is the amount a company will allow, either via cash, check, or credit card, you to spend, at their expense, on meals, accomodations, etc.

Latin for seize the day?

Seize the Day in latinCarpe diem. (car- pe as in pet, dee-emm)Or...not. This is a common misconception owing to the quotation carpe diem as above - which was technically incorrect.In fact this translates as "pluck the day", rather this SHOULD have been cape diem.Carpe Diem!

Is there a symbol for 'carpe diem'?

No. The phrase is from the Latin, and means 'Seize the opportunity'. The word-by-word translation is the following: 'carpe' means '[you] seize or take'; and 'diem' means 'day'. If you google 'carpe diem symbols', you see sites that offer tattoos of 'carpe diem symbols'. These symbols emphasize the lushness of life in the present moment. But they aren't based on anything passed along with the phrase from the ancient Roman civlization.